Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church

Bible Study Opportunities for Adults
(Anyone is welcome to attend! Check the Event Calendar for any last-minute schedule or location changes.)
Monday Night Bible Study
7:00 pm
Lobby Classroom
Thursday Morning Bible Study
10:00 am
Currently On Hiatus/Check Event Calendar for Resume Date
Saturday Morning Men, Bibles & Breakfast
7:30 am
Fellowship Hall
Sunday Morning Coffee, Cookies &
Christian Ed
10:30 am
Fellowship Hall
Senior Fellowship
1:00 pm
1st Monday of Month
Lobby Classroom
Rachel Circle
1:30 pm
4th Thursday of Month
Fellowship Hall
Zion Quilters
The Zion Quilter's Group meets each Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Collectively, they have created over 100 quilts this past year to be donated to various missions. These beautiful quilts are blessed each year at the October Sunday Worship Service.
Anyone is welcome to join the quilters. There are several ways to participate: you may design, tie, cut, press, or sew. Bring your sewing machine if you wish, and a lunch for yourself if desired. Coffee and prayer is provided.

Evangelism Group
Zion's Evangelism Group sponsors a booth at the Buffalo County Fair each summer. In 2024, the booth was well attended by adults and children alike. Bibles for adults and Bible storybooks for children were distributed, along with Zion mugs, baseball caps, and t-shirts. The youngest fairgoers enjoyed a turn at the puck drop game and the cross bracelets and necklace prizes.
The Evangelism Group meets at 6:00 p.m. on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in the lobby classroom.