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About Us
What Does Zion Believe and Teach? 


In short, we are Lutheran Christians and a congregation of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS).


We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, our ultimate source of Wisdom and Truth.


We teach that the whole human family (Adam, Eve, and their descendants) have sinned and sadly continues to do so.


We confess that Jesus Christ, God's Son, became human to redeem us from sin. He alone can set us free from error, transgression, unbelief, condemnation, and death.


We rejoice in the means of grace given through the Church throughout the world. We live by that weekly and daily spiritual nourishment. As God's forgiven people we seek to equip the next generation, reach the lost, and care for all in Christ's name. 


A more thorough explanation of our preaching and teaching can be found in the booklet An Introduction to the LCMS. Pages 6 and following are particularly relevant to our confession of the faith and hope of our congregation.​​​​


Our Purpose is to build the kingdom of God by preaching and teaching the Word of God and administering the sacraments.

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